This project started with a joke or pun about "underground art." My friend, Heidi Lichtenstein, the owner of metro Detroit's famous hipster-resale shop, Cinderella's Attic, announced she was going to be putting on an "art show" at her new location. Among other things, "underground art" would be featured. I immediately got the idea to take a traditional work of art and display it in a hole in the ground for this event. I created this display and performance in the yard at Cinderella's Attic during the art show on
Saturday, May 10, 2008. Although I had originally just planned to do this as a one-time joke, I began thinking that it would be fun to repeat this projecty/performance using a lot of different conventional or "mainstream" art images. This "underground art" project became a regular Saturday afternoon event for me during the rest of 2008 (until Saturday, November 1st when I decided to suspend the project for the winter--too hard to dig holes when the ground is frozen. My current plan is to resume this project next spring. We'll see.
Several additional "games" have evolved during the course of this project. 1. I started creating new "underground art" signs and this has evolved into a game where I now try to create a new sign every week that reflects something about the artwork or the environment. 2. I have started altering the Fluxus Midwest logo I attach to the artwork to reflect some theme or characteristic of the artwork. These two "games" have provided me with an additional creative outlet and challenge within a fairly repetitious project.
In the meantime, I've amassed a nice collection of "famous paintings" on various interesting pieces of wood. I look forward to doing further projects with this collection of objects--e.g., displaying them all on a wall or floor, displaying them in a yard full of holes, or burying them underground somewhere.