The Official Digital Christmas Photos
of Allen Bukoff and Janice Putman
1997 - 2020
Janice and I were early adopters of creating websites and using digital cameras. In 1997 we adapted the tradition of mailing out Christmas cards to sending out digital Christmas cards (a photo with text) by via Facebook and Instagram, too. This is the website we created to archive these annual Christmas photos. We wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you find some entertainment here.
Allen and Janice spending some of the Christmas Holiday with his mom, Celia Bukoff, who suffers from Parkinson's.
[Celia Bukoff died in October of 2004.]
Standing in our driveway while it snows.
Sitting in our stick garden on the afternoon before Christmas Eve.
I was trying to get a photo of me blowing smoke from a pipe, but Janice had her eyes closed in the only good one. Made myself sick and didn't get the picture.
Janice wanted to make snow angels. We're waiting for snow.
A demonstration of how a change in Christmas lights is changing the feel of Christmas.
A little late with the Christmas tree this year.
Posing at Cranbrook on Christmas Eve afternoon with some of our recent art.
Our backyard
Birmingham, Michigan
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
As you can see by this flash photo, it was snowing heavily at the time
...but we didn't use this photo for our card because you can't see the tree lights very well.
Christmas 2013
We didn't produce a Christmas picture this year. Janice's father died on December 20th. Pretty much let all of the air out of our Christmas spirit.
Janice and I stole our Christmas tree this year. We didn't set out to become criminals, but that's how it turned out. We weren't going to have a Christmas tree this year--no room for it and we've got a houseful of mischievous cats. BUT we broke down late in the day on Christmas Eve and went out in search of a Christmas tree. Everywhere we went we were too late--stores, shops, and corner stands closed. We finally pulled into a just-closed English Gardens. Lots of trees left, but they were behind a fence. On the way out Janice spied a bunch of trees piled by one of the parking lot entrances. Grabbed one, wedged it in the trunk of the car, and quickly made our get away. Hoping Santa understands.
Instead of getting a thoughtfully staged Christmas photo this year, you get these two mediocre ones.
This year we went on a lovely little mountain trip--right before Christmas--to Telluride, Colorado. Our travel plans were to fly back home on Christmas Eve with enough time to stage, take, and post our annual Christmas picture. Because of storms on the east coast (we routed through Atlanta to get to and from Detroit) we got stuck at the Montrose, Colorado, airport. It didn't look like we'd get home that day, maybe not even until after Christmas! In desperation we took an iphone selfie at Montrose airport at about 4 pm MST. Not very interesting. Not very Christmas-y.
We had also hoped to maybe use another iphone selfie we took of ourselves standing in the dark in a major snowfall in downtown Telluride with a huge Christmas-light peace sign (hung on one of the local stores) as our backdrop. But you can't tell that it's night (I think the flash was on), you can't see that it's snowing, can't see that we're standing in an incredibly old Western town surrounded by mountains, and you can't see how colorful the Christmas lights are.
We did finally make it back home around 4 a.m. on Christmas morning--too tired to try to stage another picture. Perhaps this was all punishment for stealing our tree last year?
Accidental tourist and guest photographer: Scott Combs
Very sad year for Christmas this year.
If that wasn't enough, here's a mix of other Christmas photos keep scrolling right ----> to see all the photos
Scott Combs Art Director shot 2018
More of Scott's photos of us on Instagram
Janice's Christmas Chandelier creation, 2019
Tinger the Cat looking at her presents (2001)
Allen wearing his ornament coat at a Christmas Party, 2019
Adelaide and Susan Carpenter & Allen and Celia Bukoff
Christmas 2001
After Christmas in Peoria
Janice, Bernice and David Putman. Christmas Day 2002.